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Young Guns - Mastercam 2018 x+ module free download


These will help build your skill to a higher level. Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:.

Information needed to draw and machine your part is stored in a large database that Mastercam manages for you, what you see on the computer screen is a picture of that database. You work with the picture, not the lists of numbers that generate the picture. Behind the scenes, Mastercam responds to every input from you, updating the database and changing the picture to reflect every change immediately. Since humans are visually oriented, this way of working is far more efficient than writing CNC programs by hand, since you see the results immediately.

Once you are confident that the machining processes are exactly what you want, the software does the tedious work of writing the CNC program. With Mastercam, you rarely, if ever, need to use an electronic calculator.

Geometry problems are solved using Mastercam's many geometry creations, transformation, and editing tools. When your software is set up properly, Mastercam does an excellent job of writing CNC programs quickly and without a flaw.

Figure: 1. For Mastercam to display a part, you must define its exact shape, size, and location. Do this by drawing lines, arcs, points, and other geometric entities that precisely describe the part. These geometric entities exist in a Cartesian coordinate system. A Cartesian coordinate system consists of two or three perpendicular number lines coordinate axis. A number line is a line divided into equal segments. The point on the line designated as zero is called the Origin. The Cartesian coordinate system allows you to define each point uniquely in a plane using a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances to the point from the origin, measured in the same unit of length.

Numbers to one side of the Origin are positive, those on the other side are negative as shown in Figure: 2. Figure: 2. Any point on the line is precisely located given its value and sign.

In Figure: 2 the coordinate "3" lays three units to the right of the Origin point. The coordinate "-4" lays four units to the left of the Origin. Note: It is common practice to drop the sign for positive numbers. However, negative numbers must include the negative sign "-". For example, the number -3 must include the "-" sign. A two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system consists of two number lines set at a degree angle to each other.

One line is horizontal left to right and is labeled as the X-axis. The other is vertical up and down and labeled as the Y-axis. The point where the axes cross is the Origin as shown in Figure: 3. Figure: 3.

All points in this space, also called a Plane, or Construction Plane, are precisely defined given its axes label, sign, and value. Note: Cartesian coordinates may be written in two different ways. One uses the axis label, sign and value. For example: X3 Y2. The other writes coordinates as an Ordered Pair. Numbers are written in a specific order X,Y separated by commas. For example: 3,2. Positions within the Cartesian coordinate system may be described using Absolute, Incremental, or Polar coordinates.

Absolute And Incremental Coordinates Absolute coordinates are always in reference to the Origin, regardless of the previous position. Starting at the Origin, the following diagram shows a move to N1 and then to N2, written in absolute coordinates as shown in Figure: 4. Figure: 4. Incremental coordinates sometimes called Delta or Rectangular coordinates are always in reference to the current position. For example, starting at the Origin, Figure: 5 shows a move to N1 and then to N2, written in incremental coordinates.

Figure: 5. Starting at the position X2, Y1 , Figure: 6 shows a move to N2, written in polar coordinates. Figure: 6. Figure: 7. Term Definition CCW angles are positive.

CW angles are negative. For example, the angle is the Angle same as Anchor Point Reference position for the polar coordinates. Angles can be expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds, which Second is abbreviated, DMS.

It's important to know which quadrant the part is in because the sign of the coordinates changes based on the quadrant. As shown in Figure: 8, all points in quadrant I , have positive X and Y values. Points falling in quadrant II have negative X and positive Y values, and so on. Figure: 8. The drawing below shows the datum in the lower-left corner, locating the part in the first quadrant as shown in Figure: 9. Figure: 9. Note: Even though part prints do not show dimensions as negative numbers, you must input negative values when appropriate.

For example, the hole in the upper left corner in the drawing below is at the coordinate: X. The following drawing shows the same part with the datum in the upper-left corner, locating the part in the fourth quadrant. Drawings can span more than one quadrant. For example, it is common to place the Datum at the center of round parts as shown in Figure: Figure: Since most parts get installed into an assembly, the Datum ensures that critical dimensions are held for proper fit and function.

In the example below, the critical dimensions are between hole centers in reference to the 0. Thus, the engineer selected the center of this hole as the Datum as shown in Figure: Note: Attention to the datum is essential to part quality.

Usually the same datum used to dimension the part is also used for machining. It extends, for all practical purposes, infinitely in all directions. Its position and orientation never change. Within this coordinate system, any number of Planes, called Construction Planes, can be defined. A Plane can be located and oriented anywhere within the coordinate system. Planes make drawing easier and are required to define certain 2D entities.

Examples in this chapter use the predefined plane, Top. Select the Top Plane by clicking on Plane on the status bar and picking Top from the list. Note: You can view the coordinate system axes by selecting F9 or File, Configuration, Screen, Display part information. Screen Grid shows the position and orientation of the active Cplane. Geometry Type Description l Wireframe geometry consists of curves lines, arcs, and splines and Wireframe points. Solids l Solids contain information about the edges, faces, and interior of the part.

Entity Definition Point A point occupies a single set of coordinates in space. It has no length, depth, or width; it is infinitesimally small. Line A line is an entity defined by any two points in space, called endpoints. Lines have length, but no width or depth; they are infinitely thin.

Arc An arc is an entity that is equidistant from a point in space, called a center point. Arcs are "2D" entities, meaning that they must lie on a plane. Spline A Spline is a curve that travels, usually smoothly, through a set of points, called Control Points. There are two types of splines; 2D and 3D. Drafting entities include notes, text, leader lines, witness lines, and hatchs.

They Drafting are used to annotate a drawing. Drafting text and notes are stored as a special entity type called a font, which allows lettering to be stored in an efficient format. Wireframe geometry includes other geometry types, such as a helix, ellipse, and rectangle. However, these are modeled using one of the basic entity types described above. For example, an ellipse is modeled using a spline, and a rectangle is modeled using four individual lines.

This chapter deals with how to create basic wireframe geometry types listed in the table above. Once you understand these, it will be easy for you to create other types.

Figure: 13 shows the commands used to create wireframe geometry. The commands are arranged in groups based on entity types or specific activity. The groups are displayed in the ribbon from basic to more complex functions. A line can start and end anywhere in the Mastercam Coordinate System as shownFigure: Term Definition 2D Length Length of the line in reference to the active view. Full length of the line, regardless of the view.

If the line lies in the same plane that it is 3D Line being viewed, the 2D and 3D lengths are the same. The angle of a line is measured from the position. Counterclockwise CCW angles Angle are positive. Clockwise CW angles are negative. Bisect A line that splits two other lines equally.

Endpoint The coordinates of the either end of a line. Horizontal A line along or parallel to the X-axis. Midpoint Point equidistant from the end points. We help connect the largest CAM community worldwide, and our success is a direct result of listening and responding to industry needs for productivity solutions from job set up to job completion. Our dedication to the manufacturing community drives Mastercam innovation. We collaborate with leading tooling, software, and machine tool manufacturers to develop new technologies.

Opportunities to drive down costs and increase profits can be found across the entire shop. Mastercam supports improved use of data-driven manufacturing in the digital age. Whether you want to use Mastercam for industrial or educational purposes, the first step is to contact your local Mastercam Reseller. Machining technology is always progressing. Find high-quality training opportunities to stay current and competitive.

Canned text — Assigns variables from 1 to 99 that can be used to control some specific machine settings. The post processor has to be customized accordingly.

Comment — Allows you to enter information about the current operation. Compensation types — Offsets the wire from the geometry. When cutting the part in the chaining direction, wire compensation can follow the centerline of the geometry or be offset to the right or the left to compensate for the wire diameter. This offset may be generated by Mastercam Wire computer compensation , by the NC control control compensation , or a combination of both "both" and "reverse both" compensation.

Page 12 Using this method you are programming the part edge. Computer: This parameter builds wire compensation directly into the wirepath. Using this method you are programming the center of the tool. Both: Combines both compensations in computer and in control. It computes the compensated wirepath and outputs control codes for compensation.

Compensation direction in the computer and control are the same. Reverse both: Combines both compensations in computer and in control. Compensation direction in the computer and control are opposite each other. Mastercam Wire computes the wirepath with the wire cutting the centerline of geometry. Contours — Allows you to establish the thread and cut positions in cases where you have not used point entities.

Thread distance - Allows you to enter a value for the thread distance. Mastercam Wire activates the contour types for closed and open contours. For closed contours, specify whether to place the thread point on the inside or outside of the contour.

For open contours, specify whether to place the thread point to the right or the left of the contour. Page 13 In the following examples, the geometry is in the XY plane and the corner and arc types are shown in the UV contour.

Also, Roll cutter around corners is set to None, and each sample wirepath has a 5-degree taper angle. Conical — Creates a cone shape move around the corner of the part. Sharp — Creates an angle move around the corner of the part.

Page 14 Other — Allows you to specify a radius for a custom corner defined in the post processor. Mastercam Wire draws the corner as it can not anticipate the radius defined in the post processor.

Fixed — Applies the same radius to all corners. Must be supported by the post processor. Page 15 Fish tail is not supported as an arc corner. Cutting method — Sets the cutting direction of the contour or 4-axis wirepath. Reverse - Reverses cutting direction when the wirepath has multiple passes. One way — Keeps the cutting direction the same direction as the first pass. Expand Operation — Separates each pass type into a single operation. It is only available when you first create a wirepath, not on subsequent edits.

Filter — Replaces wirepath moves that lie, within a specified tolerance, in a straight line with a single tool move. You can also optionally replace multiple linear tool moves with an arc move of a specified minimum and maximum radius. Finish — Sets a finish pass to smooth out rough edges left by the no core roughing pass or to take off additional material as specified by the finish pass spacing.

Number of finish passes - Sets the number of finish passes. The finish passes smooth out rough edges left by the no core roughing pass. The finish passes follow the geometry similar to a contour cut. Page 16 When cleared, the finish pass begins with the first entity in the chain as it was originally selected.

Wire compensation - Sets Wire compensation to computer for the finish pass to offset the wire as part of the wirepath. Set compensation to control to have the control offset the wire. The both option applies the offset to the wirepath computer but also allows for additional compensation to be set in the control. Finish pass spacing - Determines the size of the cut for each finish pass. The roughing pass leaves stock on the walls of the pocket and on the islands, if the number of finish passes is greater than zero.

The finish passes remove stock left by the roughing pass. Burn finish passes after roughing all pockets - Used multiple no core wirepaths exist in a single operation, Mastercam Wire can cut the roughing pass on each no core first. After completing all the roughing passes, Mastercam Wire then cuts the finish pass on each no core wirepath. Format — Controls how the arcs and lines in 4-axis wirepath are handled as data for the control.

All circular moves arcs are broken into linear moves based on the linearization tolerance set in the 4-axis parameters dialog box tab. Direct 4-axis requires that the XY and UV contours have an equal number of entities. General — Controls cutting method, wire EDM machine initial settings and other parameters. Choose a topic below for more information.

Wire - When checked, wire is present threaded. Power - When checked, applies voltage to the wire. Flush - Sets the initial state for the water settings On, Off, or Other. The "Other" setting is specific to the control. Fill tank - Sets the initial state for the fluid tank. Generate stops — Creates a stop point before each tab. For first tab cut of each chain - Outputs a stop code before the tab cut for the first tab cut on each chain.

Subsequent tab cuts do not include stop codes. For first tab cut in the operation - Outputs a stop code before the tab cut for the first tab cut of the operation. Subsequent tab cuts throughout the operation do not include stop codes. Page 17 Infinite look ahead — Examines for wirepath self-intersections along the entire contour before creating the wirepath. If it finds a wirepath self-intersection, Mastercam Wire modifies the wirepath so that it does not cut the portion of the part that comes after the intersection.

Land Height — Sets the height at which the wire pivots to the taper angle. The system can add a line or two, of given lengths and an arc, of given radius and arc sweep to the beginning of each chain. You can set the following options. Line only: Lets you add a line at the beginning of each chain. Line and radius: Lets you add a line and a radius at the beginning of each chain. Page 18 The system can add a line or two, of given lengths and an arc, of given radius and arc sweep to the end of each chain.

Line only: Lets you add a line at the end of each chain. Radius only: Allows the system to add an arc to the end of each chain. Radius and line: Lets you add an arc and a line at the end of each chain. Radius and 2 lines: Allows you to add an arc and two lines at the end of each chain. Maximum Lead Out Length: Allows you to determine the distance that the wire travels toward the cut position on each pass.

Overlap : Lets you set an overlap for the skim cut. Page 19 Linearization tolerance — Sets the tolerance to convert 3D arcs and 2D or 3D splines into lines while creating the wirepath.

Smaller linearization tolerance values make more accurate wirepaths, but may take longer to generate and create a longer NC program.

Misc values button — Sets the values of the miscellaneous integers and reals that can control some specific machine settings. Optimize path — Applies an additional check on the no core wirepath that takes additional time to generate but eliminates material dropout. Not available for Morph or True Spiral cutting methods. Output stop code — Sets the types of stop points that can be assigned to a wirepath.

Glue stop - Pauses the wire machine before it cuts the tab only if the "optional" switch on the wire machine is turned on. If the switch is off, the machine cuts the tab without stopping. A glue stop gstop is also known as an optional stop. Glue stop outputs an M01 code. Stop - Pauses the wire machine until the operator restarts the machine. The stop is also known as a program stop.

This stop outputs an M00 code. Power Settings Library - Contains wire EDM machine-specific settings documented by the manufacturer for the material you are cutting. A wire power settings library is organized into 24 "passes. Pass is synonymous with "cut". A library can contain up to 24 passes, each with unique power settings needed to cut a certain material type on a certain wire EDM machine.

For example, Pass 1 in the library may correspond to a rough cut, Pass 2 a tab cut, and Passes 3 — 5 finish cuts also known as skim cuts. Select Library button: - Allows you to choose the power settings library from a list of existing libraries. Associate to library: - Allows you to associate the selected library to the operation. If it is not checked the system allows you to edit each pass of the existing library.

Save Library button: - Allows you to save the changes made in the selected library. Starting pass: - Sets the first pass to be used by the wirepath. Offsets: - Sets the wire offset number. Refer to your wire machine documentation. Page 20 It depends on material, wire type and thickness. Feedrate: - Sets the speed at which the wire cuts the material in inches per minute or centimetres per minute. Some controllers calculate the feed rate based on material nad thickness.

Other controllers require a value that represents the material and the thickness. Wire diameter: - Sets the width of the wire. Wire radius: - Sets the radius of the wire automatically when you enter the diameter. Wire overburn: - Sets the extra material that can be removed by the wire. Stock to leave: - Sets amount of stock to leave for the finish pass skim cut.

Total offset: - Displays the sum of the wire diameter, overburn and stock to leave. Registers - Values that correspond to the registers in the controller. Pass comment: - Allows you to enter information about the current pass. Perform rough cut — Enables the rough cut. Additional skim cuts before tab : - Sets the number of skim cuts to be performed before the tab cut. Program — Lets you set the program number for the machines that require a program name.

Rapid Height — Sets the Z height of the upper wire guide for rapid moves whether or not the wire is threaded. Reset pass number on tab cuts — Allows you to use Pass 1 rough cut settings when cutting the tab. You use it primarily for inserting arc moves around sharp corners in the wirepath. This is because some objects in the wirepath do not intersect; in these cases, the computer will automatically add a fillet.

Page 21 Cutting method — Sets the patterns Mastercam Wire uses to clean out the no core part. Zigzag Constant overlap spiral Parallel spiral Parallel spiral clean corner Page 22 Start — Lets you set the first line number in the NC program for the machines that require block numbers.

Stepover percentage - Sets the distance the wire shifts over between XY moves as a percentage of wire diameter. Changing the stepover percentage automatically adjusts the stepover distance. Stepover distance - Sets the distance the wire shifts over between XY moves Changing the stepover distance automatically changes the stepover percentage.

Sync option — Synchronizes the upper and lower contours using chain synchronization. When synchronizing the contours, Mastercam Wire breaks each chain into a number of separate subchains then matches up the chains using the Sync mode selection.

The Sync option provides a choice of methods that Mastercam Wire can use to place points along the chains, which it matches up when synchronizing the chains. Page 23 The value you enter for Step Size determines how far apart these points are placed. We recommend that you keep this value small to retain accuracy in the corners.

In many cases, the default value of. By branch - Requires branch lines to be added to the geometry to create sync points as shown in the example above. By entity - Matches the endpoints of each entity and requires both chains to have an equal number of entities.

By node - Applies only to parametric splines and synchronizes the two chains by nodes on the splines. Linearization tolerance - Provides a factor that Mastercam Wire uses to place sync points along chains when using the by branch, by entity, by node, and by point sync option. Page 24 Suppress all cut flags — No cut flags will be written in the NCI file.

Skim cuts after tab — Allows you to program the finish passes. Together - Sets the number of skim cuts to make before moving to the next contour in the operation. Separate - Sets the number of skim cuts to make, with one made on each chain in the operation separately. Separate is enabled only when you choose Rough, tab, and finish separately. Subprogram — Creates subprograms called by the main program each time the program repeats the same passes in the XY plane.

Used to generate a smaller NC program.

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